Alan Ricks, MASS Design Group at DesignTalks 2024

Architect Alan Ricks will be speaking at DesignTalks, taking place on the 24th of April in Harpa, Reykjavik. Alan is a Founding Principal and Co-Executive Director of MASS Design Group (Model of Architecture Serving Society), which believes that architecture has a critical role to play in supporting communities to confront history, shape new narratives, collectively heal and project new possibilities for the future. Alan’s mission is to research, build, and advocate for architecture that promotes justice and human dignity.
“An incredibly important voice about architecture that heals, builds and rebuilds communities. A timely reflection today, in a world faced with diversified large-scale repairs and reconstructions.”
Hlín Helga Guðlaugsdóttir, curator of DesignTalks
Alan will be stepping in for his colleague Christian Benimana, who we’ve introduced before.
At DesignMarch this year, the current status of the world is reflected in the circus. At DesignTalks balance is sought and in the ring ideas are kept in the air, genius is fiery and flying is high!
The programme addresses global imbalances and extremes. The abundance of information, the lack of raw materials, the possibilities of the local environment, reconstruction, the global family and inner peace will be on the plate.
In this seductive magical world, anything is possible, but beneath the surface simmers the unexpected and, at times, the somewhat unpleasant.
Secure your ticket to this popular event that has been sold out the last few years. Do not miss a full day of inspiration, innovation and creative powers!