
SUSTAINORDIC is a platform and network that aims to promote sustainable consumption and production based on a Nordic perspective, in accordance with the UN’s Global Goal 12 of Agenda 2030.
The initiative takes its starting point in a joint Manifesto with twelve underlying subgoals. The Manifesto has interpreted Goal 12 into more concrete points of action which resonate with Nordic values
The Nordic region is at the forefront of sustainable development. The aim of the network is to collect and spread Nordic examples of best practice in sustainable production and consumption internationally, and to stimulate the development of national policies in the field.
SUSTAINORDIC is a collaborative network between six Nordic design and architecture institutions. The project owners are the Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design(SE) and Form/Design Center(SE), the co-partners are DogA(NO), DAC(DK), Design Forum Finland(FI) and Iceland Design and Architectur(IS). The project was founded in 2015 with the support of the Nordic Council of Ministers.

The network partners collectively gather examples of sustainable production and consumption from the Nordic countries. The examples are then being compiled and structured in accordance with the Manifesto subgoals and presented in a yearly Nordic Report. The report is spread through each Nordic country’s international network to reach a global audience.
The Nordic Report´s can be reached at Iceland design and architecture offices in Gróska, Bjargargötu 1, 102 Reykjavík or contact us at