Icelandic Design Award 2024 - open for suggestions

The Icelandic Design Award has opened for suggestions and everybody can send in suggestions, your own work or others until midnight September 4th. The goal of sending in suggestions is to ensure that excellent work does not pass by the jury, and therefore we encourage owners of good works to nominate their own work.
The awards honors the best in Icelandic design and architecture. The importance of design in our society, culture and business has been growing steadily, and it is therefore vital to increase the understanding of good design and highlight the value of quality.
The Icelandic Design Award will be awarded for the eleventh time this year and is awarded in three categories: Product // Place // Project.
The jury nominates three projects in each category, and one winner in each category receives the Icelandic Design Award 2024, which is both an honor and a monetary award.
Icelandic Design Award categories:
The category calls for outstandingly designed projects that have been produced. A variety of items from different materials, garments, furniture, prints, clay, textiles, jewelry or services can be considered.
The category calls for outstandingly designed projects that have their place in the space. Various spaces, buildings, districts, squares, parks and places are considered.
The category calls for outstanding designed projects that have been executed. A variety of ideas, communication, experiences, exhibitions and solutions are considered.
The Iceland Design Award is awarded to a designer, architect, design team or studio for outstanding recent projects. When selecting award winners, we are looking for projects that excel and can stand as representatives of the best in the field of design and architecture. The projects must reflect quality and be effective, include creative thinking, clever solutions, careful implementation, focus on aesthetics and professionalism in working methods. We also look at whether the projects are user-friendly, innovative and have a positive effect on quality of life, value creation and sustainability.
In addition, the Icelandic Design Awards also include a honorary award and recognition for the best investment in design.
Best investment in design recognizes successful investment in design or architecture in the past year. It is awarded over to a company that has incorporated design in the core of its operations to create value and increase competitiveness.
Honorary award is a recognition given to a person who has achieved exceptional success in their work, has been very influential in their professional field, or has delivered outstanding lifetime work in the field of design and architecture in Iceland.
The Iceland Design Awards 2024 will take place on November 7th in Gróska.
The Icelandic Design Award is established by Iceland Design and Architecture in collaboration with the Iceland University of the Arts, the Museum of Design and Applied Art, Promote Iceland, The Housing and Construction Authorities of Iceland, SI - the Federation of Icelandic Industries and Gróska.
From the Icelandic Design Awards 2023. Production: Arnar Tómasson/Eldey Films