Þórir Karl Bragason Celin
Worked in various creative fields the last 20+ years. Graphic design, web design, game design, illustrations. Not so much worked with creating text though, so this is just a short description.
I sometimes do stuff for Le Kock, they are the best. This is not a drawing of them, but of a dude they had dealings with... it's fun to draw how and what you like.
I illustrate children books on a regular basis. This one is for a good friend, he wrote them for his son. It's always fun creating, for the sake of creating.
It's also fun drawing in the digital world... the possibilities are endless.
A drawing for the most metal designer in Iceland.... : metall.co
If the projects were more "can your draw with a pen"? I would enjoy myself even more.
One of my "craziest" projects, a pen drawing on a 6x1,20 meter wide messing plates. The pens dried instantly so every mistake/line had to be used. Did this freehand, no stencils or anything. Came out pretty cool.... still love it.
I have always wanted to have a burger delivered to me on roller skates...(yes, it's a weird "design" image).
My favorite way to relax is to draw, thats how this character became.
Always fun to illustrate beers... sometimes just a splash of art, sometimes something deeper and more meaningful.
Illustration for Borg Brewery : HEYKANÍNA / Design, layout done by ENNEMM Agency.