Pierre David: Poetry moves away from the language of the concept to bring us closer to what it designates

Mánudaginn 2. desember fer fram opinn fyrirlestur í Fenjamýri í Grósku frá kl. 17:00 - 19:30 á vegum arkitektúrdeild Listaháskóla Íslands og Arkitektafélags Íslands
Description in English is below the Icelandic
Það er franski arkitektinn Pierre David sem ætlar að halda fyrirlestur sem nefnist „Poetry moves away from the language of the concept to bring us closer to what it designates.“
Í kjölfarið fer fram pallborðsumræða með nemendum og arkitektum. Tíminn er hluti af námskeiðinu „Urban Lab - Borgarýni“ sem nemendur á öðru ári í arkitektúr við Listaháskóla Íslands sitja á haustönn.
Sahar Ghaderi og Karl Kvaran hafa umsjón með námskeiðinu. Fyrirlesturinn er opinn öllum og öll áhugasöm hvött til að mæta.
Um Pierre David
Eftir að hafa kennt í átta ár við Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage í Versailles, fór Pierre David að kenna landslags- og arkitektúr við Harvard GSD, Columbia háskóla og Rice háskóla. Hann hefur verið gestaprófessor við margar aðrar bandarískar háskólastofnanir, þar á meðal Berkeley, UWM/Milwaukee og Iowa State University.
Í Frakklandi hefur hann kennt við École d'Architecture de Clermont-Ferrand og í Marseille. Hann hefur einnig gegnt stöðu prófessor við École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Malaquais.
Árið 2003 komst hann í úrslit í hönnunarsamkeppni fyrir minningarreit á staðnum þar sem World Trade Center stóð í New York. Verkefni hans, „Garður ljóssins“ (e. Garden of Light), lenti í öðru sæti af meira en 6.800 innsendum tillögum og vakti mikla athygli í bæði innlendum og alþjóðlegum fjölmiðlum.
Í samstarfi við Roland Castro og City-Linked vann hann einnig að framtíðarverkefninu Evry Métropole 2025 fyrir Evry Centre Essonne borgarsamfélagið. Á allt öðrum skala hannaði hann borgarspa, „Six Senses“, á Place Vendôme í París í samstarfi við Patrick Blanc, sérfræðing í plöntuveggjum.
Hann er höfundur bókar um matjurtagarð konungsins í Versailles sem kom út hjá Editions de la Martinière, Le Potager du Roi, með ljósmyndaranum Gilles Memet. Hann var einnig aðalritstjóri ritsins um hönnun og byggingu Louis Vuitton Foundation eftir Frank Gehry í París.
Frá árinu 2009 hefur hann verið sérfræðingur hjá Þróunaráætlun Sameinuðu þjóðanna fyrir tvær helgustu borgir íslams í Sádi-Arabíu, Mekka og Medína. Stofa hans við Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris Malaquais vinnur ásamt Centre Français de Jérusalem (CNRS), Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Paris og Bezalel School of Architecture í Jerúsalem að þróun hugmyndar um „þriðja land“ sem staðsett er milli grænu línunnar frá 1948 og aðskilnaðarmúrsins sem byggður var á 2000-áratugnum milli Ísraels og Palestínu.
Í dag heldur hann áfram verkefnum sínum bæði sem einstaklingur og innan hópsins sem hann stofnaði, Lateral Agency.
Hvar: Fenjamýri í Grósku
Hvenær: Mánudaginn 2. desember kl. 17:00-19:30
Öll velkomin
On Monday, December 2, an open session / lecture will take place at Gróska, Vatnsmýri, from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM, organized by the Architecture Department of the Iceland University of the Arts and the Association of Icelandic Architects.
French architect Pierre David will give a lecture titled "Poetry moves away from the language of the concept to bring us closer to what it designates".
Following the lecture, a panel discussion with students and architects will be held. The session is part of the course “Urban Lab - Borgarýni”, attended by second-year architecture students at the Iceland University of the Arts during the fall semester. The course is led by Sahar Ghaderi and Karl Kvaran. The session is open to the public, and everyone interested is encouraged to attend.
About Pierre David:
After teaching for eight years at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage in Versailles, he went on to teach landscape and architectural design at Harvard GSD, Columbia University and Rice University. He has been a visiting professor at many other American universities including Berkeley, UWM/Milwaukee and Iowa State University.
In France, he has taught at the Ecole d'Architecture de Clermont-Ferrand and in Marseille. He has also had the role of professor at the Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Architecture de Paris-Malaquais.
In 2003 he was a finalist for the World Trade Center Site Memorial Competition in New York. His project “Garden of Light” came in second place from a field of more than 6,800 submissions and featured widely in national and international media.
Along with Roland Castro and City-Linked, he also co-designed the prospective project Evry Métropole 2025 for the Evry Centre Essonne urban community. On an entirely different scale, he designed an urban spa, the “Six Senses”, on the Place Vendôme in Paris in collaboration with Patrick Blanc, a plant-wall designer, a spa set in a 5-star luxury hotel in St Gervais and another for the Sofitel hotel in Moscow.
He is the author of a book on the King’s vegetable garden at Versailles published by Editions de la Martinière, Le Potager du Roi, with Gilles Memet, photographer. He was editor-in-chief of the reference work on the design and construction of the Louis Vuitton Foundation by Frank Gehry in Paris.
Since 2009 he has been a United Nations Development Program expert for the two holy cities of Islam in Saudi Arabia, Mecca and Medina and his studio at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris Malaquais is working with the Centre Français de Jerusalem (CNRS), the Ecole des Beaux arts de Paris and Bezalel School of Architecture in Jerusalem to develop the concept of a third country situated between the green line of 1948 and the wall of separation built in the 2000s between Israel and Palestine.
Today he is continuing his projects individually and within the collective he founded: Lateral Agency.
Where: Fenjamýri lecture room in Gróska
When: Monday 2nd December at 17:00-19:30
All who are interested are welcome