Sneiðmynd með Massimo Santanicchia fimmtudaginn 16. nóvember
Fimmtudaginn 16. nóvember kl. 12.00 mun Massimo Santanicchia deildarforseti í arkitektúr við LHÍ segja frá eigin rannsóknum og hugmyndafræði. Fyrirlestrarnir eru öllum opnir og er fagfólk, nemendur og áhugafólk um hönnun og arkitektúr hvatt til að mæta.
Hér má sjá nánari upplýsingar um fyrirlesara og fyrirlesturinn.
Massimo Santanicchia is an architect, professor, and Head of the Department in architecture at the Iceland University of the Arts. Massimo’s work focuses on architectural education by posing the questions: What are the politics of your design, and what is the design of your politics? In his research, Massimo draws upon literature on justice, citizenship, feminism, post-humanism, and cosmopolitanism to rethink architectural education and its practice in the Icelandic context and beyond. He has been developing the concept of Cosmopolitan Citizenship Architecture Education (CCAE), an educational model that will generate renewed understanding of designers’ roles and responsibilities towards our shared social and ecological environment. CCAE aims to use the design process as an instrument for care and the betterment of the world.
In this lecture Massimo presents his personal life journey into the wonderous world of what architectures are and can do. Architectures are situated, heterogeneous, collective, and intertwined processes of thinking, theorising, writing, and designing that relate humans and their environment.
Massimo holds an MArch from Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia; an MA in Housing and Urbanism from the Architectural Association, School of Architecture in London; an MSc in Regional Urban Planning Studies from the London School of Economics and Political Science; and a PhD in Cultural Studies and Education and Diversity from the University of Iceland.
Hvenær: Fimmtudaginn 16. nóvember kl. 12.00
Hvar: LHÍ, Þverholt 11, Reykjavík