Þriðjudagsfyrirlestur AÍ: Roger Mullin og Performatívar prótótýpur
Kanadíski arkitektinn Roger Mullin heldur þriðjudagsfyrirlestur AÍ, Performatívar prótótýpur, þar sem hann skoðar hönnun í ófyrirsjáanlegu umhverfi. Fyrirlesturinn fer fram þriðjdaginn 6. febrúar kl. 17.00 í Fenjamýri, Grósku-Vatnsmýri.
Roger Mullin hefur kennt arkitektúr í Dalhosie School of Architecture síðan 2003. Hann hefur stundað rannsóknir á efnisnotkun og nauðsyn bygginga, innviðum og borgarmyndum, með sérstaka áherslu á strandlengjuna við Norður-Atlandshaf. Á síðasta ári var Rorger aðalfyrirlesari á landslagsarkitektúrráðstefnunni Atmosphere15 LAND+ sem haldin var í Manitoba háskólanum í Kanada. Roger hefur margsinni heimsótt Ísland og í ferðum sínum skrásett bæði landsvæði og strandlengjuna.
Roger Mullin er nú hér á landi þar sem hann starfar sem gestaprófessor við arkitektúrdeild LHÍ.
Allir velkomnir!
In English:
Lecture with the Canadian architect Roger Mullin Tuesday, February 6, in Gróska (Lecture hall-Fenjamýri), Bjargargata 1 at 5 pm.
Performative Prototypes
Design-build in high entropy environments. A talk about a bridge, a corridor and a shelter.
Live-Projects / Collaborations with students of architecture and communities.
Roger Mullin has taught at Dalhousie School of Architecture since 2003. His research interests have investigated the materiality and imperatives of buildings, infrastructures and urban form; with a focus on coastal landscapes in the North Atlantic. This awarded work has supported exhibitions, publications, fellowships, artist residencies as well as built projects in Canada, Norway and Iceland.
In 2023, partnering with Indigenous community members and organizers of the North American Indigenous Games, Roger and students developed a series of tactical installations that supported youth athletes from across Turtle Island.
This year Roger was a keynote speaker at Atmosphere15 LAND+, an international landscape architecture conference held at the University of Manitoba, Canada. Roger has visited Iceland many times and has a body of research that documents landscapes and coastal areas around the country.
Roger is presently in Iceland acting as a Visiting Professor of Architecture at the Iceland University of the Arts and continues to develop his ongoing research.