Fundur fólksins á laugardaginn: New Nordic Bauhaus – How will we live and build in a carbon neutral world?
Laugardaginn 16. september kl. 13.00 býður Fundur fólksins upp á viðburðinn Nýja norræna Bauhaus hreyfinging-Hvernig viljum við lifa og byggja í kolefnahlutlausum heimi? (e. New Nordic Bauhaus – How will we live and build in a carbon neutral world?). Þátttakendur verða Arnhildur Pálmadóttir, arkitekt og meðeigandi í Lendager Group; Halla Helgadóttir frkv.stj. Miðstöðvar hönnunar og arkitektúrs, Anna María Bogadóttir arkitekt og rithöfundur, Björn Karlsson, prófessor og ráðgjafi hjá innviðaráðuneytinu. Fundarstjóri er Nikolaj Sveistrup, URBAN AGENDA. Viðburðurinn verður haldinn í Norræna húsinu og fer fram á ensku.
Hér eru upplýsingar um viðburðinn á ensku
How do we want to live and build in the future when we do not strain the earth’s balance and resources? What is “the good Nordic life” in the CO2-neutral society of the future? With support from the New Nordic Bauhaus initiative, we focus on the lifestyle of the future and, together with the audience, will formulate how we can develop a joint focus on the climate-neutral society of the future and everyday life where we continue to thrive and feel good - preferably with approaches such as art and culture.
The society of the future must be climate neutral, and we must radically reduce our CO2 emissions. But how are we going to build and live, and how do we move forward? We basically know what the problem is, we have legislation, a framework and finances, but still the necessary change is going far too slow. What can we do in the Nordics, what does the New Nordic Bauhaus look like, and what do we dream of in 2050?