Stikla - Kimi

Erla Sólveig Óskarsdóttir, iðn- og vöruhönnuður sem er einkum þekkt fyrir vandaða húsgagnahönnun, hefur nú opnað sýningarrými og vinnustofu, KIMI, við Frakkastíg 14.
Þar má finna fjölbreytt úrval af verkum hennar – allt frá húsgögnum yfir í smávöru.

Hyrna is a table designed and produced in Iceland. The frame and table top are made of massive oak wood. Included in the box are two screws which are screwed by hand to attach the table top to the frame. The table is collapsible and when folded it fits neatly into a thin box. It is designed to go perfectly with sofas and chairs, thus it is ideal for keeping essential things within reach. The table is available in two sizes and the smaller one fits under the bigger one as a nesting table.
Available for purchase at
#erlasólveigóskarsdóttir #designmarch #designmarch2019 #hönnunarmars #hönnunarmars2019 #design #designer #furniture #scandinavian #icelandic #chair #industrialdesign #furnituredesign #interior #house #home #homedecor #decor #cozy #home #table #wood

Dímon Chair and Dímon Sofa at the official residence of the President of Iceland, Bessastaðir. 📸 Photo by Arnþór Birkisson
#erlasólveigóskarsdóttir #furniture #chair #sofa #design #interior #designer #furnituredesigner #iceland #icelandic #scandinavian #home #interiordesign #minimalism #nordic